Offensive:Racy: Possible Labels:arcade machine | book | dog | person | poster | sky | windowpane OCR: First Bin??? Way++? UCs Why!! Why the Color threc background around his hcad? Good Qucstion wc11 it bccausc I FELT LIKE IT not bccausc the guy has bccn taking DUNS l ikc somc infamous ansi artists would havc nofi think Nopc. it purcly CoZ fclt likc giving him color threc background Is that cr imc?? no? snag? CI CRiNGE Yesthatsrightthisismyf irstbinartwork Icantsay Il ikcthembutthcyarcccrta inlydiff crcntfrombcingconf incdto80colummsanywaycyancxttimc .cringe apocvis 1996ad The Picturc 15 Back Up There! Qucsti SNNG hauc purc iving twork Ican tsay rombci ingconf incd to80co lumsa ingc